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Marketing Insights

Brand Marketing Strategies for 2022 Holidays & Beyond

Posted by Nick Rojas

Photo by Eva Bronzini

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Topics: Online Marketing, Social Media, Branding, Ecommerce, SEO, Rebranding

How To Add An Instagram Feed On Website?

Posted by Elena leoo

If you maintain a lively social media presence across all the platforms, especially those with a strong visual focus like Instagram, Great! But if it doesn't engage your potential clients, what is the point?

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Topics: Social Media, Branding, Content Creation

Persuasive Point of Purchase Displays POP Your Products - 50 Samples!

Posted by Don Keller

Doing well in retail is something every brand is striving to achieve. Once a customer is in store, how do you capture their attention and sell to them? The answer, my friend, is not 'blowing in the wind', it's found in your point of sale marketing.

Let's dive deeper into the world of POP marketing...

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Topics: Design, Point of Purchase Displays, Retail

5 Tools To Help You Get Your Product Into Retail Stores

Posted by Don Keller

Regardless of what products you sell or what industry you are in, you need to ensure that you get your products in front of store buyers and into retail stores.

If your products are not in stores, it will be much more challenging for you to meet your sales targets moving forward.

When customers see your products on store shelves it not only gives your offerings a certain amount of credibility but also gives them an opportunity to see your products up close and personal so they can get a real feel for what your offerings are all about.


While many retailers opt to sell their products online, there is a lot to be gained from selling in-store.

If you are currently selling your products exclusively online, now is the time to think about getting your products in front of store buyers so you can get them onto the shelves of the major retailers.

E-commerce has blown up in recent years and while it is a fantastic way to sell your products and very cost-effective, it is now more competitive than ever.

Selling your products using a combination of in-store and e-commerce approaches is the best way to ensure that you maximize your sales.

Getting your products into retail stores might seem challenging at first, however, there are many different avenues you can pursue, and with the right approach, you can ensure that your products find their rightful place on the store shelves.

Below, we take a look at just a few tools that you can get your product in front of store buyers and into the retail stores.

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Topics: Product Development, Rebranding

How to Compete With Private Label Brands

Posted by Karen Kerski

Let’s begin with defining a private label. Typically, it is a retailer’s house brand. Craftsman is a well know Sears brand. Sears is not a manufacturer, so the Craftsman products were other brands cosmetically enhanced to have the brand color and badge of Craftsman. GE appliances and Milwaukee Power Tools are two of the major brands that provided Sears “private labeled” products.

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Topics: Branding, Packaging Design, Package Copywriting, product packaging

6 Compelling Package Branding Design Case Studies

Posted by Michael Garlitz

All brands have a story to tell...the compelling reason that they came to be, the inspiration that planted the seed...the aspiration that drives them forward. Branding Design is distilling that essence—that energy and inertia—into a tangible (and hopefully impressionable) statement about a company and its products.

A logo brandmark and packaging are extensions of Branding Design— both are visual touchpoints put out to a target audience in hopes of engagement. They form opinions in the minds of consumers about a product its source, therefore it's important that Branding Design be true to the company's core values in order to gain consumer loyalty.

Below are 6 compelling Branding Design Case Studies that Catalpha has had the opportunity to develop.

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Topics: Branding, Marketing, Packaging Design, Design, Product Development, Rebranding, Brand Loyalty, Luxury Packaging, Food Packaging Design, Beauty Packaging, Retail, product packaging

Packaging Design Process - Start to Finish [with Video]

Posted by Michael Garlitz

Follow us as we go step by step through the design and production process for packaging the Combat Comb Pet Product. From our initial structural design and package design concepts through to the final printed package. 

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Topics: Branding, Packaging Design, Design, Package Copywriting, product packaging


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