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Marketing Insights

10 Things That Can Affect Your Packaging Design Cost

Posted by Don Keller

Product presentation is your brand's silent ambassador, visually conveying your values and quality commitment as consumers review their choices on store shelves or receive their shipments from e-commerce sites.

It also serves as a defense tool, safeguarding the contents for its journey through the supply chain. Attaining the perfect container for your items involves several variables, each impacting the overall packaging design cost.

Continue reading as we examine ten common elements influencing the price tag for your physical product's outer protection design.

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Topics: Packaging Design, Design, Package Printing, CBD Product Packaging

Wrapped in Wow: Priceless Packaging Designs Revealed

Posted by Don Keller

Product packaging has unimaginable superpowers. When your product is lying on the shelf of a store, then it’s the packaging that attracts the consumer and persuades them to choose it from the endless options.

A design that captivates the customer’s mind can be the difference between continuing business and a commercial activity on a road to nowhere.

Let’s dive deep into the ocean of creative and attractive designs that compel commercial production and consumer experiences beyond the ordinary.

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Topics: Packaging Design, Package Printing, CPG Products

Digital Color Printing of Corrugated Cardboard - Empowering Packaging Innovation

Posted by Don Keller

In the rapidly evolving world of packaging, innovation is the driving force that shapes industries and sets new standards for product presentation and consumer engagement.

A groundbreaking advancement in this landscape is the emergence of digital color printing of corrugated/cardboard materials.

This article explores the advantages, and the transformative impact that digital color printing has had on packaging, making low quantities affordable for product testing and introduction.

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Topics: Package Printing, Corrugate Displays

Understanding FDA Labeling Requirements For Food Products

Posted by Don Keller

Product packaging not only serves as a means of attracting customers but also plays a critical role in protecting the product from damage, contamination, and spoilage.

In addition to providing a visual branding presence to consumers, packaging materials must be durable, resistant to moisture, and tamper-evident to ensure the safety and integrity of the product.

The packaging materials you use must also withstand varying temperatures, long storage periods, shipping, and other environmental factors.

This is particularly vital in the food and beverage industry but can also apply to other niches such as cosmetics and medical supplies.

In addition to product promotion, branding, and preservation, FDA labeling requirements also set forth specific guidelines for food packaging to provide consumers with detailed nutritional information about the food which must be taken into account in your packaging design.

Below, we take a closer look at what information must be listed on food packaging labels, and the specific formats to adhere to with your product packaging moving forward.

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Topics: Packaging Design, Package Printing, Retail, CPG Branding

The Psychology of Packaging: What Consumers Respond To

Posted by Don Keller

Retail consumer buying behavior is a complex topic that has been studied extensively and likely will continue to be the focus of industry and academic surveys for some time to come.

As existing markets mature and new ones come online, competition intensifies as companies naturally seek as many advantages as possible.

One area companies focus on is their product packaging, in both retail outlets and e-commerce outlets. Product packaging serves many roles besides its core purpose of housing and protecting the product.

Once the product is manufactured, it may be shipped to a warehouse where it may sit for days or weeks before final delivery to retail store shelves and your packaging provides protection at this stage of the journey.

Once placed on the shelves, the packaging's other potential strengths come into play. The hours of work dedicated to designing a package that piques consumers' interest are tested here and can have a major impact on the overall success of the product in question.

•  How will customers judge the packaging?

•  Will they impulse buy?

•  Do they immediately recognize the brand from the colors and logos on display?

These questions are the keys to the psychology behind modern product packaging.

Continue reading to learn how the packaging you choose for your products affects consumers' buying habits.

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Topics: Packaging Design, Rebranding, Luxury Packaging, Package Copywriting, Food Packaging Design, Package Printing

1-Minute Video Can Move Shopper To Buyer

Posted by Karen Kerski

Bloomindale's and Cotton rolled out a 1-minute interactive video giving shoppers a fashion show experience. Using a celebrity host and targeting Gen Z, the virtual runway featured young models on the cat-walk in a variety of outfits that the viewer could purchase with a call-to-action button.

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Topics: Online Marketing, Advertising, Marketing, Brand Loyalty, Package Printing

Tips to Make Customers Happier With Eco Friendly Shipping Options

Posted by Nick Rojas

Getting our goods from point A to point B once relied entirely on the consumer, with shipping only necessary to get the products from the manufacturer to the store. Today, shipping and shopping work as closely together as beer and pretzels, to service the over 2.14 billion online shoppers, worldwide.

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Topics: Packaging Design, Ecommerce, Package Printing, Retail


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