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Marketing Insights

Tips For Scaling Your Marketing Strategy

Posted by Nick Rojas

Eventually, every business will experience a plateau in performance. Sales may level off and business owners may feel like they are in a rut. It is just a natural phase in business growth. One of the more common reasons for this to happen is that a business may have outgrown its original marketing strategy. Fortunately, there are ways that nearly any marketing strategy can be scaled to match the size and needs of the business.

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Topics: Social Media, Marketing, SEO, Email Marketing

1-Minute Video Can Move Shopper To Buyer

Posted by Karen Kerski

Bloomindale's and Cotton rolled out a 1-minute interactive video giving shoppers a fashion show experience. Using a celebrity host and targeting Gen Z, the virtual runway featured young models on the cat-walk in a variety of outfits that the viewer could purchase with a call-to-action button.

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Topics: Online Marketing, Advertising, Marketing, Brand Loyalty, Package Printing

Guide to Starting Your Own Clothing Line

Posted by Nick Rojas

Over the past few years, more people than ever before have been tapping into their entrepreneurial energy and starting their own businesses. In fact, last year, the U.S. saw a record 5.4 million new businesses open their doors.

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Topics: Branding, Marketing, Product Development

How to Be Better at Marketing Than Your Competitors

Posted by Nick Rojas

Given how crowded the marketing world is today it is more important now than ever to be able to cut through the noise. There are often dozens of businesses fighting each other for the attention of customers with intentions of making a sale. This helps nobody. Customers will begin to feel exhausted from constant marketing and businesses will feel like their messages are not being heard. In order to stand apart from the competition, you’re going to have to get creative.

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Topics: Marketing

Custom Sales Kits - Your ‘Salesperson’ in a Box [with Video]

Posted by Don Keller

If you own a business or are in marketing or sales, you know how important it is to Stand Out and make an impression.

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Topics: Sales Kits

The Impact of PR on Small Businesses

Posted by Nick Rojas

One of the greatest things about small businesses is that there is nowhere to go but up, making public relations an easy win. Many small business owners and operators are well aware of the progress involved in marketing, sales and other elements, but haven’t quite grasped the importance of public relations on the success of their business.

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Topics: Branding, Marketing, Public Relations

7 Ways to Establish Brand Longevity

Posted by Jessica Fender

Scaling a business requires constant effort and a clear vision. It is exciting to think about starting your venture however, with time people often realize that relentless dedication is required to keep it thriving. It is essential to not only work on the quality of your product or service but also give importance to the feedback from your customers and if their requirements are being met.

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Topics: Branding, Marketing


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