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Marketing Insights

5 Must-Have Elements Needed To Redesign Your Branding and Packaging Design [2019]

Posted by Don Keller

If you were to take a look at your branding and packaging of your products right now, how would you feel?

Often times, as a business owner, you may become wrapped up in your day-to-day functions and forget that your marketing strategies have a shelf life (no pun intended :-) ).

Whether your logo is out of date, the competition just came out with updated packaging or you’ve seen your sales dip, it may be time for a complete brand redesign in the packaging of your products.

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Topics: Branding, Packaging Design, Rebranding

What You Get When You Hire a Branding Professional

Posted by Alex Forrester

Branding combines abstract and tangible elements in order to make your products or services natural and desirable for your prospective customers. However, it’s seldom something you can do on your own. After all, as a business owner, you have an inordinate number of decisions to make, and most importantly, products or services to develop!

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Topics: Branding, Packaging Design

3 Ways to Boost Brand Loyalty

Posted by Karen Kerski

Consumer impression of your brand value is most often tied directly to your price and the retailer where it is sold. It's why you will never see certain products in Walmart. Even with the massive disruption technology has had on how people shop, sales and discounts still get people in the door leading to customer acquisition and repeat sales. Shoppers will always have a brand preference as long as brands differentiate and engage, but guaranteeing loyalty requires a consistency and engagement.

Many marketing guru’s are putting out false stories that brand loyalty isn’t possible with Gen Xers. They are also stating retail stores are passe, online will kill retail. I’m going to throw down my claim, based on history, experience and closely watching the industry… retail won’t die. Shoppers will always want to touch and see a product as part of the purchasing process. People will always want instant gratification and be able to walk out of a store with their purchase in had without waiting for shipping or a drone delivery.

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Topics: Branding, Mobile Marketing, Market Expensive Products, Brand Loyalty

Branding Lessons from the Snack Food Aisle

Posted by Don Keller


Hi. This is Don Keller and I've got a branding minute here for you.

I've got a story about a brand that I saw recently that I really liked and I thought, hey this would be really interesting to the people that come to my site and to my blog and obviously to my YouTube channel.

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Topics: Branding, Packaging Design, Food Packaging Design

Why it's hard to market expensive products

Posted by Karen Kerski

High priced products have always been a tougher sale. Technology has changed the way we shop but hasn’t shortened the process. What has changed is where people access information and recommendations. It’s easier to get a lot of information quickly without going to the library.

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Topics: Advertising, Branding, Marketing, Market Expensive Products

Biggest Branding Mistakes: #1

Posted by Karen Kerski


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Topics: Branding, Product Development

3 Big Ideas for Brand Success in 2017

Posted by Don Keller

Brand masters know they need a meaningful, long-term relationship with their primary customers. Patriot’s and Raven’s are not the only companies needing raving fans. Studying successful names like Dorito’s and Coca-Cola will reveal the principles that will lead your business to build sustainable growth and brand impression.

Here are 3 strategies taken from our 30 years of working with international and national brands.

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Topics: Branding, Marketing


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