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Marketing Insights

What Is A Brand?

Posted by Karen Kerski

20 years ago agency reps started using “branding” for every situation and client, leveraging the term to increase their influence and authority without concern for their customers. They were never out to create a “brand” for the majority of their clients.

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Topics: Branding

The Product Packaging Design Process - 8 Part Video Series

Posted by Don Keller

A Definitive Guide That Explains The Steps Necessary To Package Any Product

We've developed a series of 8 videos to help you understand the product packaging design process.  These videos describe almost everything you need to know to get your product packaged.  Design is impossible for me to teach in this short blog, but should you have those skills, our guide can get you further down the road to having your product packaged.

The parts in order are:

1. The Initial Consultation 2. Estimating the Project 3. Creating The Dieline 4. Creative Brief & Market Research
5. The Design Phase 6. Design Refinement 7. Photography 8. Printing Your Package
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Topics: Branding, Packaging Design

3 Big Branding Tips For Small Businesses

Posted by Don Keller

It's a struggle to start a business, and challenges continue as you grow.

Young businesses and start ups have similar struggles. No one knows about your company or what you sell. It's a battle to get attention with minimal budgets compared to the larger budgets of big brands or just the traction other mature companies have built over time.

Big corporations invest a lot of effort and money into distinguishing their brand from the crowd.  That being said, one of the biggest concerns of any small business or start up owner is and should be branding.

According to recent data collected by Burst Media, influencer campaigns earn almost $7 for every $1 they spend on branding.

This includes spending for web design, content creation, SEO web marketing, and more. Based on this data, can you afford to skip out on this ROI? There are other agencies with statistics that support the return in marketing investment.

51% of consumers say building brand trust by interacting with brand via social media. Approximately 61% of millennials feel that a company's content impacts their brand loyalty.


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Topics: Branding

20 Things A Restaurant Customer Hates But Won’t Tell You

Posted by Karen Kerski

Restaurant and food business is tough. But you got into it because of your love for food. You have an advantage many businesses don’t. You and your staff interact with your customers everyday and have the opportunity to know first hand what they like, don’t like and would love to have from you.

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Topics: Advertising, Branding, Business Management

Organic Brand Trend

Posted by Karen Kerski

As health issues increase organic solutions have increased. There has been a big growth spurt in gluten free products. Organic baby products led the way in gaining acceptance in grocery stores from consumers. Organic meats and foods for adults have grown at a slower pace. Setting organic products apart from the standard fare requires your graphics on your product packaging  look different from traditional foods. There is a style that has surfaced that consumers can look for to identify an organic product in a food store. They typically have a lot of white and show a picture of raw food. Brand name includes "organic" call out and the name could remind one of simple foods like "Wild Oats" and "Honest".

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Topics: Branding, Packaging Design, Food Packaging Design

Why 4 Big Brands Failed

Posted by Karen Kerski

Management Decisions that Kill a Brand

Could this happen to you?


In March of 2007, Circuit City set itself up for failure. It fired 3,400 of its highest paid workers. The company said that replacing these employees with those willing to work for less was part of an effort to improve the bottom line. 60% of those let go worked in the stores, their better employees. In 2007 analysts saw poor sales in expensive televisions... products that require experienced sales persons. It made a poor decision in eliminating their best performing staff.
By daysofthundr46 on Flickr

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Topics: Branding, Business Management

3 Ways to Use Social Media to Enhance Brand Development

Posted by Don Keller

In our digital age, brand identity is everything. Now more than ever, audiences interact more with brands than with actual people. That being said, it's important to establish a strong brand image. But how do you do that through social media? Here are some helpful tips that should help your brand to see success:

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Topics: Social Media, Branding, Website Design, SEO, Content Creation


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