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Marketing Insights

Creating A Brand Identity For Multiple Products

Posted by Michael Garlitz

Great! - you have a brand, a professional logo, a line of products ready for retail, and a slew of other future products in the wing. It’s time to get those products in packaging ready for retail.

Your products each have feature and benefits unique to their purpose, which will be important to get across to the consumer. They may also need to be in different types of packaging, and in various sizes. They may even be sold in different departments in a retail environment.

Regardless of all of the differentiators, one thing should ALWAYS hold true—the packaging should always REFLECT YOUR BRAND.

Someone picking up one of your products in housewares, should be able to recognize one of your products sold in hardware.

Collectively your group of products will become the visual representation of your brand persona. This, along with your product reputation is what builds brand recognition and equity.

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Topics: Branding, Packaging Design, Brand Loyalty

Creative Customer Engagement Strategies

Posted by Nick Rojas

It's no secret that increasing customer engagement is a goal for every business. As a matter of fact, increasing customer engagement is at the top of over 2/3rd's of all business owners priority list. According to the market research company Forrester, 72% of businesses say that improving the customer experience is their top priority. Based on this statistic, it is clear that nearly every business owner knows how important customer engagement is for their success.

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Topics: Branding, Packaging Design, Ecommerce, Brand Loyalty

Can Multiple Brands Be Brought Under One Brand?

Posted by Karen Kerski

Updated 10-6-23

The simple answer is yes, but it really isn’t a simple matter.

When done correctly you will grow your business value significantly. 

It is often the reason for buying a competitor and a complimentary product line.

Initially, the evaluation of synergies, existing brand awareness and brand disruption must be done. This provides the foundation of developing the strategy (long and short-term) for bringing the multiple brands and products under 1 (0ne) umbrella brand.

Assign a group to the task and expect disagreements. Varying view points helps insure a variety of perspectives will be evaluating the issues you can face ahead of implementing strategies.

Studies can be done to show the outcome you want, but being biased won't provide an accurate picture of the situation and ability to rebrand successfully.

To begin with, you must understand the “individual product and its brand awareness” and how it works within the big picture of the main brand.  Also consider the individual target audience of each product and brand.

Being thorough in looking at these facts will determine which brand is the strongest to use as the umbrella brand and whether it is appropriate main identity for every product.

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Topics: Branding, Packaging Design, Product Development, Brand Loyalty

10 Essential Things You Need to Consider When Designing Appealing Food Packaging

Posted by Don Keller

The food industry is one of the most competitive industries out there.

Consider your local supermarket and the number of products that are available in each and every aisle of the store.

The sheer volume of choice is staggering and it’s crucial that you as a producer do what you can to stand out from the crowd.

Nowadays, your food packaging design, quite simply, is make or break for how you are going to do in the marketplace.

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Topics: Branding, Packaging Design, Food Packaging Design

It only takes 1 error to change customer's brand impression.

Posted by Karen Kerski

I've been dealing with one reoccurring issue in the last few days, poor customer service. Just today I waited at the drive up window at the major pharmacy to get service. I could see someone at the drive up counter with a tag that said "Team Leader". She was taking a long time typing and looking at a monitor that blocked the view of her face. Then when she was finished on the computer monitor she just turned and left. That wasn't neighborly.

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Topics: Branding, Brand Loyalty

How To Maintain Brand Relevance When Customers Less Loyal

Posted by Nick Rojas

Digital media has offered brands of all kinds the ability to reach large markets, and to do so more easily than ever before. However, it has also provided consumers with an unprecedented amount of options—which means that they have become notoriously fickle. These days, many entrepreneurs believe that brand loyalty is practically a thing of the past. Because consumers have so many options, they’re apt to desert your products or services the moment something new catches their eye. However, it’s still possible to hang on to your audience and even create a die-hard fan base for your brand. You just need to be strategic in your approach.

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Topics: Advertising, Branding, Brand Loyalty

7 Ways To Make Your Brand Unforgettable [And Guarantee Success]

Posted by Chris Richardson

Your branding strategy differentiates your business from the competition.

Positioning yourself as an authority brand in the niche is critical if you’re aiming for long-term success.

In short, your brand must stand out from the crowd and offer unique experiences and amazing value to the customers within your specific niche.

Product packaging provides opportunity to visualize your brand.

However, the competition is tougher than ever.

To stand out in a highly competitive environment, you’d better start leveraging your branding power and draw the attention of your customers in the proper ways.

In today’s post, we’re teaching you 7 ways to make your brand remarkable.

The term “remarkable” means “worthy of remark”. Therefore, in order to be noticed and remembered, you must offer true value, inspiration, and trust. Here’s how you can do that.

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Topics: Branding


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