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Marketing Insights

Successful Young Candy Entrepreneur Shares His Sweet Success Secrets

Posted by Don Keller

The following is a recent interview I had with the owner of Dave's Sweet Tooth Toffee - Andrew Chmielewski.  Andrew has taken his home toffee recipe to a national level with his product which is now in many stores nationwide including Krogers, Sam’s and many others.  I spent a few minutes with Andrew recently as he gave me the '411' of his success…

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Topics: Branding, Rebranding, Brand Loyalty, Food Packaging Design

Kickstart Your Campaign: Incorporating Video In Your Marketing Strategy

Posted by Andre Oentoro

Content marketing is ever-evolving. Years ago, blog posts were a hit but nowadays, a blog post without any images or videos is as good as nothing (according to Google). Thanks to the growth of social media platforms and Google’s algorithms, content marketers are always looking for the next strategy to end up first on the search results page.

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Topics: Branding, Marketing, Inbound Marketing, Content Creation

How To Assemble Different Types Of POP Floor Displays (Video)

Posted by Don Keller

I'm going to show you three different custom floor displays that we've created and how to assemble them.

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Topics: Branding, Point of Purchase Displays, Package Printing

Death Of Brands-5 Companies That Didn't Make It-Infographic

Posted by milkwhale.com

In the past 2 decades many big brands have met their demise. The circumstances vary, from the obvious "It's only a matter of time" to shockingly abrupt market disruptions. Brands that seemed ubiquitous can disappear given the right set of circumstances and changes in traditional markets.

Remember - There is no such thing as "To Big To Fail."

In this Infographic, we examine 5 prominent companies who have, somewhat surprisingly, met their demise.

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Topics: Branding

Building Strong Brands For Snack Food Products

Posted by Don Keller

Here are two Snack Food products that needed a unifying brand look to help them cross over to retail ready products.  We were brought on to create that look across packaging, point of purchase, website and even tradeshow display.

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Topics: Branding, Packaging Design, Food Packaging Design

Drive Brand Awareness with Loyalty

Posted by Karen Kerski

Immediately you think of the old loyalty programs, earning points to get a reward. That’s part of what this is about. How does Starbucks and Chic-Fil-A have such loyal of repeat customers that will only buy one brand of coffee and drive an extra mile to get to Chic-Fil-A? These customers want more than convenience. 

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Topics: Branding, Marketing, Brand Loyalty

Create a Brand Name to Remember

Posted by Karen Kerski

It’s fascinating looking at all the product and company names that you come across daily whether it’s a B2B or B2C company. There are many companies that have been around 100 years or more that are still highly recognized and respected.

They have persevered the generational changes adapting strategy to the times. Some have made modifications to their name or logo as part of their adapting technique.

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Topics: Branding, Rebranding


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