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Marketing Insights

Don Keller

Don Keller grew up in the rural small town of Emporium, PA Always with with an interest in Art and drawing, Don made his mark even as early as elementary school. Music was also a part of Don's life playing in concert, marching and jazz band through school Don studied commercial art and was introduced to the city life while graduating from the Art Institute of Pittsburgh in 1979.. Don moved to Maryland and found employment within a recruitment agency design department and then 2 other Baltimore Ad Agencies before joining creative forces with his wife and business partner, Karen Kerski. Co-owner of Catalpha Advertising & Design 35 years of experience within Catalpha. Serving as Creative Designer, Chief Sales Officer, Production Manager & Account Director Lead contact for multiple accounts including Reckitt, Pentair & Johns Hopkins. Don has worked on too many projects to count and they have ranged from print, to packaging, point of purchase, as well as radio, TV/video and websites.
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Recent Posts

Tips To Get Your Product Into The Big-Name Stores

Posted by Don Keller

Designing and manufacturing a great product is crucial to your business being a success, however, it’s only half the battle. In order for your business to make significant sales and generate real profit that will allow your company to grow and evolve moving forward, you need to ensure that your product is easily accessible and is put in front of as many eyes as possible. For many retailers, the best way to achieve this is to get your product into the stores of the big-box retailers.

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Topics: Marketing, Packaging Design, Retail

Packaging Success - Covid Case Studies

Posted by Don Keller

It’s been a full year since the shutdown of Covid. That was when business as we knew came to a halt - last March 15th! We all had to figure out what to do next with our business.

The following Catalpha clients found a way to turn on the steam this past year. Taking advantage of this ‘opportunity’. Yes, an ‘opportunity’, they looked at this shutdown differently because business WAS different.

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Topics: Branding, Packaging Design, Retail

The Importance Of Eco-Friendly Packaging For Your Product

Posted by Don Keller

Choosing the right materials for your product packaging can have a major impact on the success of your product in the marketplace.

While the packaging design you create is crucial in increasing brand awareness, protecting your product, presenting your offerings, and communicating with your customer, it also essential in putting forward the right image of your company.

Choosing recyclable materials to package your products is becoming increasingly important as more and more consumers are taking note of a brand’s commitment to sustainable and environmentally friendly business practices. 

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Topics: Packaging Design

The Best Printing For Packaging – Pros And Cons Of 5 Printing Methods

Posted by Don Keller

When it comes to your product packaging, you need to ensure that you create a design that makes your product stand out from the competition.

With the right packaging design, you can

  • Improve the customer experience,
  • Boost your branding,
  • Add value to your products, and...
  • Ultimately, increase sales! 

There are no set rules when it comes to printing for packaging.

However, there is a range of different printing methods, each of which has different strengths and weaknesses, that you should be aware of.

Using the correct printing for packaging is important and your best option will depend on several different factors.

With a better understanding of these variations, you will be able to make the best choice for your unique needs. 

So, let’s take a look at the top printing for packaging methods and explore their pros and cons:

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Topics: Packaging Design, Package Printing

Rigid Boxes Manufacturer - An Overview Of Luxury Packaging [with Video]

Posted by Don Keller

Choosing the right style of packaging for your product is important in how it is perceived.

If you are selling a luxury product or you want to give your product a feeling of luxury and elegance, rigid boxes are a great choice.

This style of packaging is surprisingly versatile and an experienced rigid boxes manufacturer can help to elevate your product to new heights with a unique design. 

Rigid boxes are also the perfect solution for sales kits that are used time and time again. Rigid box packaging is typically four times thicker than regular folding carton options, making it much more robust and durable.

With a little creative flair from a rigid boxes manufacturer, you can create a sales kit for your product that will impress potential customers and help you to increase sales. 

So, let’s take a look at how you can design the perfect packaging for your product with the help of a reputable, professional rigid boxes manufacturer!:

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Topics: Packaging Design, Luxury Packaging, Package Printing

Love The Customers You Have Before You Focus On The Ones You Don’t

Posted by Don Keller

When sales of your product start dwindling, your first thought might be to find a way to reach out to a newer, different audience. This is especially true of larger, established brands that in the past have seen strong sales within a loyal consumer base. It may appear by connecting with a whole new base may provide the seed for a future turnaround.

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Topics: Marketing, Business Management, Brand Loyalty, Retail

CBD Branding: How To Enhance It With Packaging Design

Posted by Don Keller

CBD products have become increasingly popular and the marketplace is becoming more competitive as more companies enter the space. In 2019, the U.S Department of Agriculture started accepting hemp production plans with more than 17 different states and tribes across the country having their plans approved. With even more state and tribal plans in progress, the market is set to become even more saturated in the near future.

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Topics: Branding, Packaging Design, CBD Product Packaging


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