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Marketing Insights

Don Keller

Don Keller grew up in the rural small town of Emporium, PA Always with with an interest in Art and drawing, Don made his mark even as early as elementary school. Music was also a part of Don's life playing in concert, marching and jazz band through school Don studied commercial art and was introduced to the city life while graduating from the Art Institute of Pittsburgh in 1979.. Don moved to Maryland and found employment within a recruitment agency design department and then 2 other Baltimore Ad Agencies before joining creative forces with his wife and business partner, Karen Kerski. Co-owner of Catalpha Advertising & Design 35 years of experience within Catalpha. Serving as Creative Designer, Chief Sales Officer, Production Manager & Account Director Lead contact for multiple accounts including Reckitt, Pentair & Johns Hopkins. Don has worked on too many projects to count and they have ranged from print, to packaging, point of purchase, as well as radio, TV/video and websites.
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Recent Posts

Your Website Could Drop In Rank Because of Google's New 'Mobile-Friendly' Algorithm Update!

Posted by Don Keller

Google has just announced that as of April 21st they will be adding a Mobile-Friendly Ranking Factor into their algorithm.  This is BIG NEWS for two reasons.  Google is actually telling us WHAT will happen and WHEN it will happen.  No 'read between the lines' type of algorithm update.  Google has been warning webmasters for some time that this was coming. Now that mobile is much bigger part of the search world and in an effort to make mobile searches more relevant to users, Google is adding this factor into their algorithm.  If you've been ignoring the call to make your site mobile-friendly, you may pay the price come April 21 with a drop in ranking!  

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5 Ways To Package Your Product On A Budget

Posted by Don Keller


Here are 5 low cost ways to put a professionally branded product on the shelf.

How many do you need?

The 'quantity' question plays heavily on what package you can produce economically.  

Low quantities are possible but you need to be aware of which type of package can be produced at low quantities (1,000 or under) and not break the bank.  

For more information on the ins and outs of quantities and price - check out our previous blog post on package pricing here.

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Topics: Packaging Design

3 Things Quality Healthcare Advertising Agencies Must Offer

Posted by Don Keller

According to Google, 88% of people looking for health information start the same place they do when looking for cat videos or muffin recipes: search engines. That means marketing healthcare services depends on understanding which forms of search engine marketing will be most effective when it comes to this specific field. If you’re running a health services organization, it’s best to look at some top healthcare advertising agencies and evaluate their online efforts before making a decision. In order to do that, however, you’ll need to have a basic understanding of what you’re looking for in terms of online health services marketing.

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Topics: Online Marketing, Direct Mail, SEO, Content Creation, Healthcare Marketing

A Breakdown on our February Blog Posts - What you Might Have Missed:

Posted by Don Keller

Weather-wise, we're happy to see February go!  We're tired of shoveling snow, but thankful we don't live in Boston!  Business-wise, things are heating up!  Everyone seems ready to go on their marketing. Are you?  We wrote on a number of topics this past month and you might have missed something that can help your business. So here's a breakdown of our February blog posts:

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Topics: Marketing

2nd Catalpha Packaging Design Client Hits National TV!

Posted by Don Keller

BBQ Dragon, a revolutionary product that shortens the time it takes to light charcoal in your grill and client of Catalpha, was featured on the Science Channel show - All American Makers.  

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Topics: Packaging Design

9 Tips for Building Trust Through Your Website

Posted by Don Keller


When’s the last time you bought something from someone you didn’t trust?

If you are in the business of selling your services or products online (and who isn't these days), you know how hard it can be to build trust and relationships with clients. It’s just not the same as meeting someone for coffee and being able to give them a firm handshake. You have less time online to make a good impression, and once you do, you have to make sure you are doing everything to keep it. Building positive, trusting relationships through your website will improve interest and engagement, leading to return visitors and increased lead generation. Here are a few tactics that will not only help people trust you and your services, but will help people connect with you too.

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Topics: Online Marketing, Branding, Business Management

Upcoming Packaging Design Trends

Posted by Don Keller

Packaging is an important part of branding a company. A product's package is often a customer's first exposure to a company, and should leave a good impression. When surveyed, 63% of marketers expect an increase in spending on brand marketing over the next year. Custom packaging is an easy way to make a product recognizable and distinct. Graphic designers working together with a company's marketing department can ensure that the products are packaged in an appealing manner.

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Topics: Branding, Packaging Design


Call Today 888-337-0066 or fill out this form for a risk-free consultation on your packaging, branding or marketing project.