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Marketing Insights

Avoid These 4 Content Writing Mistakes

Posted by Karen Kerski

Your published content whether it is your blog, website or your email correspondence creates an impression on your readers. Have you seen comments on posts criticizing spelling or grammatical errors? So many feel that we can write as we would talk or take notes. That may be acceptable with a close friend or someone you work with in a casual setting, but for people who are not in your profession it leaves them out of the conversation or worse. They are unimpressed with your knowledge and professionalism so they move on to a competitor who they feel has better writing skills.

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Topics: Online Marketing, Website Design, Inbound Marketing, Direct Mail

The Rise of Email Marketing Use in Emerging Economies

Posted by Marina Iermolaieva

In the last couple of decades, the businesses all over the world have witnessed a tremendous growth email marketing platforms. As such, countries previously qualified as “poor” are now seen as future economic powerhouses. Nations such as India, Nigeria, Brazil, Indonesia, and China are just a few that have attained immense economic growth because of various online marketing strategies. Naturally, the rise of previously less-developed nations has prompted the use of “technological” mediums to conduct business activities.

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Topics: Marketing, Inbound Marketing, Direct Mail, Email Marketing

3 Steps to Improve Direct Mail Response

Posted by Karen Kerski

Direct mail has been bashed by many and they claim survey results prove their position. And most that claim direct mail doesn't work are trying to convert your direct response marketing budget to all on-line and email efforts because that is all they do. Don't listen to the nay Sayers because direct mail can be as effective as it was 15 years ago when it is done correctly.

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Topics: Advertising, Inbound Marketing, Direct Mail

Direct Marketing Changes You Need To Make

Posted by Karen Kerski

maze-confusion-gerard79I believe you need to continually evaluate marketing results and be willing to change on the fly when results are clearly indicating that need. We all do an annual review at the end of our fiscal year. For many that is at the end of the calendar year.

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Topics: Inbound Marketing, Direct Mail, Mobile Marketing

3 Things Quality Healthcare Advertising Agencies Must Offer

Posted by Don Keller

According to Google, 88% of people looking for health information start the same place they do when looking for cat videos or muffin recipes: search engines. That means marketing healthcare services depends on understanding which forms of search engine marketing will be most effective when it comes to this specific field. If you’re running a health services organization, it’s best to look at some top healthcare advertising agencies and evaluate their online efforts before making a decision. In order to do that, however, you’ll need to have a basic understanding of what you’re looking for in terms of online health services marketing.

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Topics: Online Marketing, Direct Mail, SEO, Content Creation, Healthcare Marketing

Direct Mail Survives in Spite of The Odds

Posted by Karen Kerski

How many times has it been said that postage rates, PPC, or another marketing innovation will finally kill direct mail? USPO hasn’t helped their business either. Steadily increasing postage rates, the US Post Office has done a great job on their own to try to kill direct mail.

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Topics: Advertising, Marketing, Direct Mail


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