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Marketing Insights

Don Keller

Don Keller grew up in the rural small town of Emporium, PA Always with with an interest in Art and drawing, Don made his mark even as early as elementary school. Music was also a part of Don's life playing in concert, marching and jazz band through school Don studied commercial art and was introduced to the city life while graduating from the Art Institute of Pittsburgh in 1979.. Don moved to Maryland and found employment within a recruitment agency design department and then 2 other Baltimore Ad Agencies before joining creative forces with his wife and business partner, Karen Kerski. Co-owner of Catalpha Advertising & Design 35 years of experience within Catalpha. Serving as Creative Designer, Chief Sales Officer, Production Manager & Account Director Lead contact for multiple accounts including Reckitt, Pentair & Johns Hopkins. Don has worked on too many projects to count and they have ranged from print, to packaging, point of purchase, as well as radio, TV/video and websites.
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Recent Posts

5 Must-Have Elements Needed To Redesign Your Branding and Packaging Design [2019]

Posted by Don Keller

If you were to take a look at your branding and packaging of your products right now, how would you feel?

Often times, as a business owner, you may become wrapped up in your day-to-day functions and forget that your marketing strategies have a shelf life (no pun intended :-) ).

Whether your logo is out of date, the competition just came out with updated packaging or you’ve seen your sales dip, it may be time for a complete brand redesign in the packaging of your products.

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Topics: Branding, Packaging Design, Rebranding

Packaging Design Trends [2018]  How To Wow Them At The Shelf

Posted by Don Keller

With 2017 in the rearview mirror, you need to look forward, seek inspiration and take your packaging designs in a new direction!

Now that small consumer packaged goods brands have easier access to retail than ever before, these smaller, niche companies can compete with the bigger players in their industry head-on.

When going toe-to-toe with the industry powerhouses, the first place to start is with packaging that’s current, relevant and that makes your product stand out from your competitors on the shelf.

With plenty of changes and shifts in design trends on the horizon for 2018, it’s an exciting time to be involved in the world of packaging design.

Let’s look ahead to what popular design trends you can take advantage of in 2018 to ensure you wow them at the shelf this year, create a positive brand image and increase sales.

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Topics: Packaging Design

How to Work with a Packaging Designer

Posted by Don Keller

Every year approximately 30,000 new products are launched in the marketplace and more than 80% of them fail.

Ensuring that your product is successful begins with how you present the product to potential customers. And this starts with your packaging design. 

When making a choice between your product and your competitors on the shelf, most consumers will not have the time or energy to weigh up the pros and cons of the product in detail.

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Topics: Packaging Design

7 Ways To Create Luxury Packaging

Posted by Don Keller

More than ever before, shopping is an experience. Twenty years ago, it was about getting hold of things you needed

Sure, plenty of people enjoyed the process of picking and trying, but the real focus was that big end goal, finding that big-ticket product.

Now, the act of shopping has become its own journey.

It’s a change driven by luxury brands and high-end retailers. They know that, if you make the search rewarding, consumers will be compelled to return to it.

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Topics: Market Expensive Products, Luxury Packaging

How To Leverage Your Packaging Design To Increase Sales! [Infographic]

Posted by Don Keller

We put together this infographic of what goes into the thinking behind our packaging design work.

Just what is going on in the mind of your customer? That’s a question all brand managers are trying to discern. If you knew more about your customer, you would know about what appeals to them and the reasons they may reach for your brand before your competition.

This quick read lays out many factors that you should know when designing your packaging.

It also gives an overview of the types of packaging and where they fit on the cost scale and the process we use to determine the best shape, structure, and design for a package design.

Jump in! I hope you enjoy...

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Topics: Packaging Design

5 Marketing Ideas To Improve Your Skilled Nursing Home Marketing

Posted by Don Keller

Mom fell. Which put her in the hospital. Now the doctor says she is doing better but shouldn’t be at home by herself. Dad can’t care for her, he’s having some problems of his own and just doesn’t have the physical strength to help her. 

The adult children meet to discuss. They can’t stay home with Mom, they have jobs and their own responsibilities.

They start their search for help. First by picking up their smart phone, they get online and search for nursing homes near them...

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Topics: Online Marketing, Marketing, Healthcare Marketing

How Much Does a Point of Purchase Display Cost? [with Video]

Posted by Don Keller

Point of purchase (POP) display costs are determined by 3 Factors: Material, Size AND Quantity

Let’s discuss these options to see if they fit your needs.

First of all - let’s talk Material.  How long will this display need to last?  Is it temporary? And only intended to be up for weeks or months?  Most of these types of displays are made from corrugate or sturdy coated paper stock.

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Topics: Point of Purchase Displays


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