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Marketing Insights

How Long Does SEO Take?

Posted by Karen Kerski

This is a question not often asked. Usually I am explaining why SEO is necessary. Ranking in search engines takes time and effort. Giving a specific time to optimize is different for every website. Results build over time and take 6-9 months to see significant change in rankings.

How to get your keywords ranked.

Keyword Selection

The first step is to is to select moderately competitive keywords. Performing Google research of keywords that you are considering will provide insight to the search levels, value and opportunity of improving your ranking with them. Not all keywords are created equal. Keyword marketing is highly competitive even for highly specialized markets. Those words and phrases that are relevant for your product or service do not all produce the same amount of traffic. Including geo reference, city name, can make help your ranking in local searches quicker.

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Topics: Website Design, SEO

Why Google Requires Mobile Responsive Sites

Posted by Don Keller

On April 21st Google published it's latest program which will penalize web pages that are not optimized for mobile viewing -- and with good reason. Mobile Internet use (i.e., viewing and interacting with pages on smart phones, tablets, etc.) is now more common than going on the Internet on a desktop PC. What's more, the consensus among Google officials, online advertising professionals, and inbound marketing experts is that the update will be a pretty big deal. It is projected to affect many more people than other major updates, such as Panda and Penguin.

What do you need to know before the update? Businesses and web pages are expected to be negatively impacted -- and not for the reasons you think. Sites are not necessarily being penalized because they lack mobile optimization or mobile Web design altogether. Instead, businesses are making small mistakes on mobile pages that can make a big difference and ultimately hurt your search rankings. Here are a few to look out for:

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Topics: Website Design, Mobile Marketing, SEO

SEO Tips to Boost Rankings for WordPress Sites

Posted by Karen Kerski

WordPress has become not just a platform for blogging

It has become a widely used platform for ecommerce and general business sites. Almost 1 in 4 dominant worldwide websites are on a WordPress platform. It’s simplicity and easy to use dashboard allows businesses to do some of their own updates and content generation themselves. Don’t assume that SEO is built into the system. It does not automatically perform SEO work or tell you when the site is optimized. Google updates have eliminated the ability to use black-hat practices so there are no loopholes in WordPress for optimizing for organic search results.. There are some plugins that are easy to install that can help.

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Topics: Online Marketing, Website Design, Mobile Marketing, SEO

A Guide to Choosing the Right CMS For Your Business Website

Posted by Charlie Miller

Content Management Systems (CMS) are getting a lot of buzz. What is a CMS? Good question! CMS is software that is installed on the web server where your website is hosted. Much like you install and run software on your computer.

The common feature of all CMS is an "Admin" area. This is where you can login to modify, add, or edit your website. This is one of the features that our clients have been looking for. It allows you to make content edits to your website without the need to call your ad agency or web designer.

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Topics: Website Design

Is it time for to update your website?

Posted by Karen Kerski

A June survey, surveying 99 people from retail companies, indicated their e-commerce platform as a top priority. They responded to Internet Retailer Magazine survey. Mobile ecommerce was their second focus. Online platform is seen as a critical marketing tool for the majority of eRetailers. This aligns with an earlier Forrester study report that indicated US business spending on technology for 2014-2015 will outpace the economy.

Marketing budgets have changed greatly in the past 10 years, first they included developing a website and currently companies are creating a market.

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Topics: Online Marketing, Ecommerce, Website Design

How Do They Do That? 3 Tools for analyzing websites

Posted by Charlie Miller

Have you ever visited a website and wondered how it's made or seen a feature you would like to implement on your site? It's easy to peek behind the curtain and see what makes a website tick. Whether you want to evaluate your own site or check out the competition these 3 basic tools will get you started. And best of all - they are free and you use them right in your web browser!

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Topics: Business Management, Website Design

Email, SEO, Content, and Social Media: The 4 Elements of Inbound Mktg

Posted by Don Keller

Inbound marketing solutions help businesses' websites rank higher on search engine result pages. Higher ranks help get more web traffic. The more traffic websites get, the more business leads they generate. The more business leads there are, the more e-commerce sales opportunities there are.

Basically, inbound marketing strategies lead directly to big profits. In fact, e-commerce generated about $1 trillion in 2011, and about $1.2 trillion in 2013, showing that it continues to grow and grow each year.

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Topics: Social Media, Website Design


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