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Marketing Insights

How Do They Do That? 3 Tools for analyzing websites

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Have you ever visited a website and wondered how it's made or seen a feature you would like to implement on your site? It's easy to peek behind the curtain and see what makes a website tick. Whether you want to evaluate your own site or check out the competition these 3 basic tools will get you started. And best of all - they are free and you use them right in your web browser!

Wappalyzer - Learn what software is being used. Identify the underlying technologies used on a website including the type of CMS (content management system ie. Wordpress) being used, the webserver software and analytics tools employed.

Firebug - See what makes a website tick. Allows you to inspect any element on a page. View the HTML and CSS properties, examine scripts, analyze network activity and even debug problem JavaScript.

WebRank SEO Toolbar - Can your potential customers find you? Analyze some of the key SEO (search engine optimization) metrics that affect page rank. View the Google pagerank score, number of social media links, whois data and compare SEO statistics with your competition.
DOWNLOAD FREE RESOURCE - 5 Website Enhancements

Topics: Business Management, Website Design


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