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Marketing Insights

Does your product and package have a visual appeal?

Posted by Karen Kerski


Product appearance can be the the biggest sales converter of all marketing influencers. Apple has built it's brand appeal and demand on it's product appearance. So much so that people pre-order products months ahead of release. Another brand that hangs it's success on visual appearance is Method. Investing in unique custom bottle, the product package, broke with traditional new product launch accounting. The package was the branding hook. For Apple and Method, product design was the brand elevator and continues to be at the forefront of their business strategy.

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Topics: Branding, Packaging Design, Design

Two Packaging Design Trends To Look Out For In 2015

Posted by Don Keller

Creative packaging design is a surefire way to successfully market a brand in brick-and-mortar stores and online. In order to keep brand imaging fresh and compelling, marketers would do well to incorporate new, custom packaging design trends whenever possible. Here are a few new packaging types and trends that produce promising results:

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Topics: Branding, Packaging Design

6 Tips on Selecting A Package Designer

Posted by Karen Kerski

You have a product that needs packaging. Whether this is your first time packaging a product or you're adding to your product line, it's wise to know that all package designers are not created equal. If they work for a manufacturer they typically are limited to the solutions of the company the work for. A corrugate printer will only offer corrugate boxes. That material is appropriate for large products and ones that need better packing to reduce damage during transport. But should your product be visible to the consumer?

Do you need help determining the package types and costs?

You need a designer or design firm that can advise what package style is appropriate for your product, budget and brand impression as well as provide custom design service. It may feel daunting asking about something outside of your experience.

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Topics: Branding, Packaging Design

Improve Your Brand In 6 Simple Steps

Posted by Don Keller

It’s no joke that great branding is important for your product and your business.

Leveraging company image requires strategies and designs that make you stand out in the marketplace.

Build your brand by taking these 6 steps.

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Topics: Branding

9 Tips for Building Trust Through Your Website

Posted by Don Keller


When’s the last time you bought something from someone you didn’t trust?

If you are in the business of selling your services or products online (and who isn't these days), you know how hard it can be to build trust and relationships with clients. It’s just not the same as meeting someone for coffee and being able to give them a firm handshake. You have less time online to make a good impression, and once you do, you have to make sure you are doing everything to keep it. Building positive, trusting relationships through your website will improve interest and engagement, leading to return visitors and increased lead generation. Here are a few tactics that will not only help people trust you and your services, but will help people connect with you too.

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Topics: Online Marketing, Branding, Business Management

Upcoming Packaging Design Trends

Posted by Don Keller

Packaging is an important part of branding a company. A product's package is often a customer's first exposure to a company, and should leave a good impression. When surveyed, 63% of marketers expect an increase in spending on brand marketing over the next year. Custom packaging is an easy way to make a product recognizable and distinct. Graphic designers working together with a company's marketing department can ensure that the products are packaged in an appealing manner.

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Topics: Branding, Packaging Design

What You Can Do to Increase Your Brand Identity

Posted by Don Keller

Branding your company through product packaging is the easiest way to get your company noticed by consumers. A brand is a name, design, or feature that differentiates one company's product from another, and approximately 30% of the world's 100 most valuable brands were developed before 1900. The benefits of having an established brand are undeniable: having a strong corporate branding image can even boost your stock value between 5% and 7%! But what do you do if your company is new, and you don't have a 100 year old brand established?

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Topics: Branding


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