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Marketing Insights

Why it's hard to market expensive products

Posted by Karen Kerski

High priced products have always been a tougher sale. Technology has changed the way we shop but hasn’t shortened the process. What has changed is where people access information and recommendations. It’s easier to get a lot of information quickly without going to the library.

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Topics: Advertising, Branding, Marketing, Market Expensive Products

20 Things A Restaurant Customer Hates But Won’t Tell You

Posted by Karen Kerski

Restaurant and food business is tough. But you got into it because of your love for food. You have an advantage many businesses don’t. You and your staff interact with your customers everyday and have the opportunity to know first hand what they like, don’t like and would love to have from you.

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Topics: Advertising, Branding, Business Management

Why is some marketing bad?

Posted by Karen Kerski

Being in the ad business I can’t help but watch TV ads with a critical eye. Who is the target? What is the brand? Does it have the emotional tug to convert a sale? In short, is it effective? I try to figure out the brand or company the ad is for before they reveal it. Some companies do a great job branding their ads and others leave you wondering – do they really know their audience, what company/brand was that for? I have found myself wondering when the product advertised is for women if the ad was created by a man, because they totally missed the USP and audience pain motivator.

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Topics: Advertising, Branding, Marketing, SEO

How to Out Sell Your Competition

Posted by Karen Kerski

We are not alone in your search for customers. You aren't the only option for consumers and Google makes it easy for your competitors to lure them away. You need a marketing and business plan that includes strategies to increase traffic on website, get the phone ringing and your employees busy. These 8 tips can help with many areas of your business including employee development, evaluating your competition, website design, online marketing, package design and building a customer base of raving fans.

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Topics: Advertising, Marketing, Business Management

3 Steps to Improve Direct Mail Response

Posted by Karen Kerski

Direct mail has been bashed by many and they claim survey results prove their position. And most that claim direct mail doesn't work are trying to convert your direct response marketing budget to all on-line and email efforts because that is all they do. Don't listen to the nay Sayers because direct mail can be as effective as it was 15 years ago when it is done correctly.

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Topics: Advertising, Inbound Marketing, Direct Mail

Direct Mail Survives in Spite of The Odds

Posted by Karen Kerski

How many times has it been said that postage rates, PPC, or another marketing innovation will finally kill direct mail? USPO hasn’t helped their business either. Steadily increasing postage rates, the US Post Office has done a great job on their own to try to kill direct mail.

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Topics: Advertising, Marketing, Direct Mail

Are you really paying attention to your brand?

Posted by Karen Kerski

I was driving home and, sadly, was behind a slow driver. I was tired, hungry and wanted to get home as soon as possible. That wasn't possible with the slow, weaving driver in front of me. His weaving made it evident that he was not putting his full attention to the task of driving. He was driving slower than the posted speed limit, so he wasn't reading signs.

I realized that the driver's lack of attention to road signs was like a company so intent on daily business that it missed signs that its brand was loosing its position in the marketplace. Weaving to respond to daily pressure of  deadlines and distractions takes focus off of the target of managing brand positioning.

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Topics: Advertising, Branding, Marketing


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