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Marketing Insights

Don Keller

Don Keller grew up in the rural small town of Emporium, PA Always with with an interest in Art and drawing, Don made his mark even as early as elementary school. Music was also a part of Don's life playing in concert, marching and jazz band through school Don studied commercial art and was introduced to the city life while graduating from the Art Institute of Pittsburgh in 1979.. Don moved to Maryland and found employment within a recruitment agency design department and then 2 other Baltimore Ad Agencies before joining creative forces with his wife and business partner, Karen Kerski. Co-owner of Catalpha Advertising & Design 35 years of experience within Catalpha. Serving as Creative Designer, Chief Sales Officer, Production Manager & Account Director Lead contact for multiple accounts including Reckitt, Pentair & Johns Hopkins. Don has worked on too many projects to count and they have ranged from print, to packaging, point of purchase, as well as radio, TV/video and websites.
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Recent Posts

Attention Entrepreneurs: Need money?

Posted by Don Keller

This may be an answer to what every entrepreneur wants - Shopify Ecommerce Website Software is having a contest and is giving away $500,000 in case and prizes!

If you are just starting your online business, you might want to consider using Shopify.  This contest has already started but there is still time to enter.  Winners are determined by those that sell the most in a two month period between October 1st, 2013 to May 31st, 2014. 

Go here to learn more:  http://www.shopify.com/build-a-business

Seems they have partnered with some talented entrepreneurs themselves:

Daymond John:  Owner of FUBU apparel, a $6 Billion dollar company he created and regular investor on ABC's SharkTank.

Mark Cuban:  Past founder - owner of Broadcast.com, current owner of the Dallas Mavericks and investor on ABC's SharkTank.

Gary Vaynerchuk: Who took his family liquor store from $3 million to $45 million.

Lil Jon, Arianna Huffington and Tina Eisenberg to name a few more.

Prizes are $50,000 in cash and a meeting with one of these mentors in NYC!  

Past winners include  GoldieBlox / Debbie Sterling,   Fresh-Tops / Nella Chunky and DODOcase / Patrick & Craig.  Each with (I assume) Shopify ecommerce sites. 

If you are considering starting or upgrading your ecommerce site - Shopify may be your answer.  

Just remember - There is a lot more that goes into a successful site other than the shopping cart.  Branding, ease of use, building traffic, etc.  Seems that the Shopify site is trying to help though.  It's worth a look!

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10 (MORE) Tips To Your Successful Packaging Design

Posted by Don Keller

My first blog about 10 Tips to Successful Packaging Design was so popular, I knew I had come up with 10 more. Judging by the questions I still get from entrepreneurs bringing their products to market (or rebranding their existing product packaging) they are still confused on where to start or what is best for them.

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Topics: Packaging Design

4 Reasons Package Rebranding Goes Wrong

Posted by Don Keller

How does it happen? Was it because of missing information or expertise?

There are 4 reasons why...

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Topics: Packaging Design

Top 10 Tips To a Better Pay Per Click Campaign in 2013

Posted by Don Keller

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising can be a powerful tool in your marketing toolbox.  But it can be overwhelming, time consuming and expensive if not set up & run properly.  If PPC has you 'dazed and confused' you are not alone.

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Topics: Online Marketing, Advertising

Is Pay-Per-Click Marketing A Logical Choice For My Business?

Posted by Don Keller

pay per click marketing baltimorePay-per-click (PPC) advertising is becoming an increasingly important part of many small businesses’ digital marketing. Pay-per-click advertising gives businesses a way to target potential leads using ads trigged by search engine results. The theory behind these ads is that they help businesses get their websites in front of people looking for their specific offerings and services.

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Topics: Online Marketing

SEO & Keyword Research - Your Quest For Good Keywords

Posted by Don Keller

Quest for KeywordsAccording to the Pew Internet & American Life Project, more than 80 percent of the American population regularly uses the internet to find information. Collectively, Americans do more than 20 billion searches per month. It is critical that your website is easy for them to locate.

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Topics: Online Marketing

Is A Clamshell or Blister Package Right For Your Product Packaging? - Interview With A Thermoformer

Posted by Don Keller

HI everyone! Today, I’m starting something different on my blog. I’m interviewing some of my vendors on the type of packaging work they can do.  I’m sure this will be of interest to many of my readers.  And hopefully this gives them the information they may need to make a decision of what type of packaging can work best for their product.

Keep on eye on my blog as I interview others and we can learn together.

Today I’m talking with Scott Brinker of Orange Packaging. Orange Packaging is a thermoform packaging company out of Newburgh, NY.

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Topics: Packaging Design


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