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Marketing Insights

Don Keller

Don Keller grew up in the rural small town of Emporium, PA Always with with an interest in Art and drawing, Don made his mark even as early as elementary school. Music was also a part of Don's life playing in concert, marching and jazz band through school Don studied commercial art and was introduced to the city life while graduating from the Art Institute of Pittsburgh in 1979.. Don moved to Maryland and found employment within a recruitment agency design department and then 2 other Baltimore Ad Agencies before joining creative forces with his wife and business partner, Karen Kerski. Co-owner of Catalpha Advertising & Design 35 years of experience within Catalpha. Serving as Creative Designer, Chief Sales Officer, Production Manager & Account Director Lead contact for multiple accounts including Reckitt, Pentair & Johns Hopkins. Don has worked on too many projects to count and they have ranged from print, to packaging, point of purchase, as well as radio, TV/video and websites.
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Recent Posts

Email, SEO, Content, and Social Media: The 4 Elements of Inbound Mktg

Posted by Don Keller

Inbound marketing solutions help businesses' websites rank higher on search engine result pages. Higher ranks help get more web traffic. The more traffic websites get, the more business leads they generate. The more business leads there are, the more e-commerce sales opportunities there are.

Basically, inbound marketing strategies lead directly to big profits. In fact, e-commerce generated about $1 trillion in 2011, and about $1.2 trillion in 2013, showing that it continues to grow and grow each year.

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Topics: Social Media, Website Design

On-line Advertising: PPC versus PLAs

Posted by Don Keller

ecommerce-purchaseIt is difficult to prove intent to buy each time someone searches. 60% of your customers actively research before they contact business or walk into a store. At the Search Inside Summit in Florida, several big-brand marketers said PLAs were out performing standard text ads.

The increased success of PLAs (product listing ads)reduced ROI for standard text ads they were running. Running both forms of paid advertising on Google did not equate to doubling sales.

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Topics: Online Marketing

It's Time to Invest in Building Your Brand

Posted by Don Keller

Statistics show that 63% of marketers believe that there will be an increase in spending on brand marketing over the next year*. That means that more businesses find branding to be a integral part of their marketing efforts.  An efforts that pays dividends to the company's bottom line. If you've been looking for an opportunity to start branding your company, now would be a great time to get onboard. Don't be left behind as your competition develops innovative new product packaging design or a great new marketing strategy. But how do you use things like product packaging design, social media accounts, and website design to brand your company? The trick is to focus your energy on two separate yet connected areas: the internet and the real world.

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Topics: Branding

Top 4 Facts That Determine The Cost of Product Packaging

Posted by Don Keller

Do you have enough budget to develop the right package for your product?

Whether you are a first-time entrepreneur or a seasoned brand manager, I understand how it feels to face the large task of packaging your product.

Your product should be showcased in the best light possible, reflecting your brand’s cohesive image so it can compete on the shelf.

Packaging is a critical component in the success of your product.

The investment needs to be considered carefully and not solely decided by price. It should be considered when you are designing your product so that it is budgeted into the cost of the product development.

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Topics: Packaging Design

Four Big Boosts an eCommerce Website Developer Can Give Your Business

Posted by Don Keller


Do you run a business that relies on eCommerce, but it just isn't hitting its sales goals?

If so, it may not be your product -- it may be your website. When it comes to operating some or all of your business on the internet, it's essential to have four things: a well-designed website and/or online store, a mobile-friendly webpage, excellent marketing, and an an awesome brand image. Without these four things, a business in the 21st century is sure to struggle.

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Topics: Online Marketing

Getting Your Product To Market - One Inventor's Adventure

Posted by Don Keller

This is an interview with our client - MakeUp Miser®.  MakeUp Miser is a cosmetic saving spatula device that saves a makeup user money by getting all the expensive makeup out of the bottle.  You can view the MakeUp Miser website here:  www.makeupmiser.com Michelle Phillips is the inventor.  This is her story....

Speakers:  Don Keller/Catalpha Packaging and Michelle Phillips -Inventor of MakeUp Miser

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Why Retail Packaging is Gaining So Much Importance

Posted by Don Keller

Allinpackaging.co.uk provided us with a recent survey on the nature of consumerism by famous Marketing researchers Forrester Research and McKinsey & Company has revealed some interesting facts about how consumers are slowly shifting from the ‘consumer purchasing funnel’.

A recent survey on the nature of consumerism by famous Marketing researchers Forrester Research and McKinsey & Company has revealed some interesting facts about how consumers are slowly shifting from the ‘consumer purchasing funnel’.

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Topics: Packaging Design


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