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Marketing Insights

How Important is package testing

Posted by Karen Kerski

Packaging plays an important role in business success. As I wrote in other blogs, retail package design must attract the target audience. Personal preferences need to be put aside. The goal is to create a branded product package design that communicates what is inside and connects emotionally with the buyer.

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Topics: Branding, Marketing, Packaging Design

Boring Details That Impact Package Design

Posted by Karen Kerski

Packaging is more than product protection and security. Producing a package is expensive. It is an investment in the success of the product. User convenience, safety, legal requirements, environmental and usability factors must be considered during the design process. Skipping any of these can cost sales or cause problems later.

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Topics: Branding, Marketing, Packaging Design

Are you really paying attention to your brand?

Posted by Karen Kerski

I was driving home and, sadly, was behind a slow driver. I was tired, hungry and wanted to get home as soon as possible. That wasn't possible with the slow, weaving driver in front of me. His weaving made it evident that he was not putting his full attention to the task of driving. He was driving slower than the posted speed limit, so he wasn't reading signs.

I realized that the driver's lack of attention to road signs was like a company so intent on daily business that it missed signs that its brand was loosing its position in the marketplace. Weaving to respond to daily pressure of  deadlines and distractions takes focus off of the target of managing brand positioning.

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Topics: Advertising, Branding, Marketing

It's Time to Invest in Building Your Brand

Posted by Don Keller

Statistics show that 63% of marketers believe that there will be an increase in spending on brand marketing over the next year*. That means that more businesses find branding to be a integral part of their marketing efforts.  An efforts that pays dividends to the company's bottom line. If you've been looking for an opportunity to start branding your company, now would be a great time to get onboard. Don't be left behind as your competition develops innovative new product packaging design or a great new marketing strategy. But how do you use things like product packaging design, social media accounts, and website design to brand your company? The trick is to focus your energy on two separate yet connected areas: the internet and the real world.

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Topics: Branding

3 Rules of Product Packaging

Posted by Karen Kerski

A previous blog article, What Makes A Winning Package, was about how product packaging influences how the consumer sees and feels about the brand and product. The next important consideration is the type of package.

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Topics: Branding, Packaging Design

What Makes A Winning Package?

Posted by Karen Kerski

You can’t create a great package if you don’t know how design works. And you can’t create a great package if you don’t know how packaging affects your consumer. There are 3 key responses that need to be won for retail success: visual, rational and emotional.

Visual Response

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Topics: Branding, Packaging Design

Wow – someone paid for that advertising!

Posted by Karen Kerski

Being in the ad business I can’t help but watch TV ads with a critical eye. Who is the target? What is the brand? Does it have the emotional tug to convert a sale? In short, is it effective? I try to figure out the company the ad is for before they reveal it. Some companies do a great job advertising and others leave you wondering – do they really know their audience, what company was that for? I have found myself wondering when the product advertised is for women if the ad was created by a man, because they totally missed the USP and audience pain motivator.

Speaking of branding…

A great example is Target’s original TV ad campaign and it’s evolution over 2 years. They began showing the target symbol with their name. The advertising had a consistent style of photography and rhythm. Over a year’s time they evolved and dropped the word “Target”. This was possible because of the consistent style of video but also length of time they ran the ads had impressed their image on all consumers so they intuitively knew the brand before the target symbol was shown at the very end. Eventually, the target symbol was all that was needed. Their success was evident when competitors started mimicking their style of TV ads.

Old school ad men would be horrified that the brand was only shown at the end like an exclamation point. Rules of advertising would have you show the logo frequently in one spot. But rules are fluid and when an ad is done well it is memorable.

Bad ads are memorable for a different reason. Or they don’t make an impression at all. Either way, a bad ad is an expensive mistake. What do you think when you notice a bad ad, print or TV?

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Topics: Advertising, Branding, Marketing


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