1. Focus On Selling High Profit Products And Services
Don't be deceived by success in percentages. Focus on selling products and services that have a high profit return in dollars, as opposed to a profit return in percentages.
2. Focus On Your Team
Build a championship team that's going to survive and win despite this economy. Weed out the dissenters otherwise you risk losing loyal customers.
3. Communicate A Compelling Competitive Advantage
Do you have a competitive advantage - a position that makes your company's product or service distinct and recognizable in your marketplace?
4. Be The Personality Of Your Company
Get in front of people and be the face and personality of your company. Networking and speaking in front of 100 people is worth more than you can imagine.
5. Love Your Customers
Your customers are the sole reason your business exists today. Make them feel important. Ask for feedback. Once a year, invite your key customers to a special event to thank them for their business.
6. Be Remarkable
Everything you do and everything your customer or client sees about your company from the inside on out every sensory touch point - must be remarkable. If not, you're just another average business and there's no customer loyalty when you're average.
7. Understand The Power Of Trust As A Marketing Tool
The number one way to grow your business is through trust. Trust is the only reason your customers continue to purchase your products and services from you. Without trust, your advertising simply won't work.
8. Invest In "Search" - The Focal Point For Online Success
Your website is the center of your online success. Aim for a first page presence on Google for keyword phrases used by your customers. If your business isn't listed on the first page, there's a chance you're losing thousands and thousands of dollars each day.
9. Be Creative, Innovative And Take Risks
Creativity, innovation and the ability to take risks can move your business forward, otherwise it stands still. Take a look at your products and services. Can you "supersize" or downsize them? Can you develop product extensions with new markets?
10. Get Familiar With The Shift To Digital And Mobile
Next year will be the big year for digital and mobile marketing. While an integrated marketing approach is still important, the emphasis will be on increasing awareness and sales through various digital and mobile marketing channels. Don't get left behind on this.