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7 In-Store Strategies To Help You Succeed In Busy Grocery Stores Post Covid-19

Written by Don Keller | Jun 25, 2020 11:00:00 AM

The past few months have hit economies hard all around the world. With non-essential businesses being forced to close down in many countries due to the coronavirus pandemic, it has been difficult for conventional retailers to keep pace with what is going on.

Although eCommerce remains strong, most business owners have the impression that retail stores, including grocery stores, are on the decline.

However, this could not be further from the truth.

In fact, people are spending more at grocery stores now than they were several months ago. For many households, the coronavirus has generated more demand for grocery products.

This has created a surprising, if welcome, opportunity that businesses need to reflect on in the coming weeks and months, namely, standing out in the grocery store environment to secure more business, despite the coronavirus.

Let’s look at how rethinking your in-store strategies and displays for grocery stores that will help your business seize the opportunity presented by the COVID recovery.

Launch A New Product

It might seem risky to launch a brand new product these days, but it is worth taking this risk.

With more customers flowing through grocery store aisles who are bored with their quarantine routines, having something new and exciting is a sure way to grab attention.

If you have been floating around a product idea for some time, but have not yet brought it to market, then now is the time to take the leap.

While the products you might think about launching will naturally depend on what industry your business is in, it is worth thinking about how your new product will fit into the coronavirus economic landscape.

Try to make a product that is useful for our particular time, but which will also have enduring popularity and usefulness when the pandemic is over.

Update Your Brand Design

If your business has slowed down over the past few months due to the pandemic, then now is the opportunity to take a critical look at your brand design.

Audit what is working and what is not with respect to what you have always wanted your brand to stand for. If you have been active and engaged with your audience throughout the economic downturn, then you will have a better idea of what your customers expect in these trying times.

Now is the opportunity to take a critical look at your brand design.

However, there is no better time than the present to start reaching out and communicating with your customers. This will give you a better sense of how you can design your retail presence to capture more attention.

Alternatively, or additionally, taking a look at how you are presenting your products will provide opportunities for boosting your business. In the post-COVID-19 retail environment, customers are going to be looking at products in a different way than before the pandemic.

Taking some time to brainstorm these implications will help you capture attention and win over new customers who may not have been interested in your business before. Some ideas in this regard include highlighting the coronavirus prevention benefits of your products (though be careful with the legalities of making claims you cannot endorse) or simply highlighting health in general.

When in doubt, highlighting the low-cost of your products in comparison to those of your competitors is always a safe bet.

Try Point Of Purchase Displays

One of the most effective ways to capture customer attention in a grocery store is through the use of a point of purchase display.

With infinite options for configuring them, a point of purchase display is the ideal way to quickly provide customers with the most important information about your products. You can use a point of purchase display to provide information about your brand, related products, or how best to use your products.

By taking up more space in a supermarket, point of purchase displays make it hard to ignore your products.

Using point of purchase displays allows your products to stand out from your competitor’s merchandise, especially if they have not invested in a similar display.

When customers enter a store with a vague idea of the product that they want but do not have a specific brand in mind, it only takes them a few seconds to make their decision when they reach your aisle.

With your products standing alongside those of your competitors, it is risky to leave this decision up to chance. Flashy product packaging can help, but it is even better if you can direct your customer’s attention directly to your products. This is where a point of purchase display comes in.

By taking up more space in a supermarket, point of purchase displays make it hard to ignore your products. You can choose to set up a freestanding display in a section of retail grocery stores, or you can opt for a number of different hanging displays that attract the eyes of perusing customers strolling through the aisles.

Just make sure that you have an informative, tasteful, and attractive design, and the point of purchase display will do the rest of the work.

Follow Health And Safety Recommendations

Although customers are spending more time in grocery stores, most jurisdictions are still requiring them to abide by social distancing rules in-store. This means that a poorly conceived product display can interfere with public health regulations.

Make sure that you engage with retail grocery store owners where you plan to set up your product displays. Avoid creating displays that will earn you the ire of the public for taking up too much space in the store.

Supplement In-Store With Online

While in-store displays are essential for grabbing customer attention once they have arrived, it is important to supplement these efforts with digital marketing as well. Ideally, your business will already be active and engaged with your customers throughout the coronavirus downturn.

Take the opportunity to reach out and inform your customers about the latest products you are offering.

Make a note of the efforts you are taking to prevent the coronavirus from spreading further.

And be sure to direct your messaging toward the benefits that your customers can expect from the essential products you have to offer at the grocery store.

Try To Upsell

Upselling can be done effectively through point of purchase displays.

Essentially, it is the art of convincing your customers to buy more of your products than they might have originally had in mind.

If your products are of high-quality and you are providing value, then highlight the advantages that your customer will gain when they use two or more of your products together.

This does not have to be done in a duplicitous way. If your products are of high-quality and you are providing value, then highlight the advantages that your customer will gain when they use two or more of your products together, for example.

This can lead to the mutual benefit of more revenues for your business and introducing your customers to the wider variety found in your product line.

You can also convince customers to buy more of your products if you clearly showcase on your packaging that your products are versatile and can be used in a variety of situations. Food products, for example, may sometimes be type-casted as “snack foods.”

But showing how they can be part of a balanced meal in your point of purchase display or other in-store marketing materials will make the product more appealing to more customers.

Set The Right Price

Price-setting is an art and a science. As a business owner, you likely already have a price-setting strategy, and sometimes the final price of your product is not always in your control.

The retailer will have some discretion in what he or she charges for the product at the point of sale. However, it is important to consider how best to price your products in these times.

If possible, avoid the temptation to raise prices if your product is essential and is in high demand.

Temporary price reductions and discounts are a great way to turn heads and make more sales.

Again, retailers will have the most control over this, but it is important to think about nonetheless. You do not want the public to revolt against your brand because you are attempting to reap unfair profits during the pandemic.

On the other hand, temporary price reductions and discounts are a great way to turn heads and make more sales. Even small discounts have a psychological effect. Seeing a price drop can sometimes make the difference between a customer choosing your product over those of your competition.

When it comes to discounts, it also pays to partner up with other companies and brands. By offering a special deal if a customer purchases both of your products, you can both reap the rewards of higher revenues.

Make sure that the partnership is mutually beneficial and that the product pairing is somewhat intuitive before trying this out.

Turn The Downturn Around

With restaurants closed, there are fewer places to find essentials, and this has led to a surge in traffic at grocery stores. Indeed, there are only so many places one can trek to these days, and the grocery store is one of them.

With more customers spending more time in grocery stores, there has never been a more critical time for businesses to think about their in-store packaging, marketing and display approaches.

Additional Resources:
Packaging Success - Covid Case Studies
What You Can Do Now To Ensure Your Business Is Set For Success After Covid-19
Effective Branding And Product Packaging Tips For Pandemic-Related Products
What To Expect From Working With A Point Of Purchase Display Company