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What You Can Do to Increase Your Brand Identity

Written by Don Keller | Feb 3, 2015 6:21:19 PM

Branding your company through product packaging is the easiest way to get your company noticed by consumers. A brand is a name, design, or feature that differentiates one company's product from another, and approximately 30% of the world's 100 most valuable brands were developed before 1900. The benefits of having an established brand are undeniable: having a strong corporate branding image can even boost your stock value between 5% and 7%! But what do you do if your company is new, and you don't have a 100 year old brand established?

Product packaging design is an important part of corporate branding. Packaging design is aimed to draw attention to the product in a crowded store. A well-branded package should convey a story to the customer, and play on their emotions to draw them to the product. Creative packaging design is encouraged, especially when incorporating sustainability, but the color scheme and logo should be similar for each of the brand's products, to create a sense of identity and worth.

Product packaging is only a small part of company branding. With the rise of the internet and the influx of information it brings, it is becoming increasingly important for a company's products to stand up to the claims the brand has made. If your products are consistently of high-quality, however, the brand's appreciation will increase and its reputation will only improve. On the downside, that means that one inadequate product can cause quite a bit of damage to the brand reputation.

While building your company's brand, you want to raise awareness. A great way to do that is to get involved in customers' lives. That doesn't mean tracking down all your clients and showing up at their doors, of course. Community service is a great way to start a conversation about your brand, while doing something good for your home town at the same time. You may clean up a park wearing company t-shirts, or offer to sponsor a little league team. People will be watching, and they will start to associate your brand with doing good.

Of course, there is much more to company branding than product packaging and volunteering. Talk to your company's marketing consultant to create a recognizable brand identity, and take steps to protect it.