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Setting Customer Expectations With Your Company Branding

Written by Don Keller | May 1, 2015 12:00:00 PM

We've had a number of calls lately from companies in the marijuana industry now blossoming in the Colorado, Washington and California areas.  One thing that strikes me are many of these people just opening their doors and expecting customers.  That may be true to start, but what's going to make them come back OR even be aware of you in the first place? Competition will grow as happens with every business and few will establish a brand that dominates, a brand value coveted by all.

With this new marijuana market emerging, it is important for these business owners to look at their company professionally and treat it like any other professional business. Some owners are well on their way to doing this and do it well, but with the industry evolving and changing, people in this field need to step up and take their business to the next level before they get left behind. It is important to remember customers want to feel comfortable and go to a store that caters to their needs professionally, just like anywhere else. Take the necessary steps to a successful business in this up and coming field.

Brand Yourself

It is important that any business uniquely brands itself. What sets your dispensary apart from everyone else’s? Every company should have a logo, audience knowledge, consistency of quality service, and exposure.


Those ready to succeed hit the ground running with a professional website. Those who make decisions based on price are setting themselves up for hard times. Will a DIY site send the right message to your audience? You want to be noticed and appeal to the customer and keep them interested and informed.

Every business needs a responsive website that is well designed, interactive and informative to attract customers and build a quality reputation that helps achieve long term business goals. A professional site that helps delivers leads and sales has a blog, professional copywriting, professional photography and is built to search engine requirements.

SEO or Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization is a key factor promoting online business presence. It’s plays a huge role in where websites rank in search results. With more legalization happening, more dispensaries opening more states discussing legalization, the potential competition is guaranteed to grow substantially. 

SEO is a valuable method used by small and big companies to get the desired traffic to their web pages. Quality traffic is essential for success. When a customer is searching for the best dispensary, you want your site to come up. Search engine optimization must be a part of your marketing plan. A quick tip I'll add -  social media accounts helps this processes.

Package Design

Aside from developing a competitive online presence, it is important to have great packaging design as well. This is especially true when you are branding your business and product line. Make sure it is appealing to the target customer and looks professional. I always ask clients what impression do you to leave with your customers? Luxury, funky, girly or something else that will be uniquely yours? Have a clear idea of the lasting impression you want to build and put all marketing efforts behind that plan. Every touch point should work to magnify your brand plan.

*It is important in any business that both you and your customer takes your products and services seriously for ultimate success." says Karen, CEO of Catalpha. Invest whole heartedly in your business whether it is emerging market of marijuana or a old favorite like soda. Holding back on any aspect of building a brand can cost more than you saved by not paying a professional with the knowledge to do it right.