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SEO Strategies That Will Lower Your Page Rank

Written by Karen Kerski | Aug 13, 2013 2:15:00 PM

If you've experienced a drop in your Google rankings for your most relevant keywords or if you've seen your website traffic drop dramatically, affecting your leads, you are not alone. Google has dropped some sites completely because they deemed them to be spammy. These were existing sites that had good page rankings and were launched more than 3 years ago.

Consider these startling facts:

You cannot ignore Google's search engine ranking methods if you want your website found easily by your customers in the US. Some old tricks to improve page position now can move your web page down in the rankings, may be loose all visibility in the top 5 pages.

Though you may not spend a lot of your time using social media for finding solutions, some of your customers do.

Writing content for social media is critical to improving your web page rankings with search engines. I find it is easiest to have my own blog page where I publish articles that relate to interests and needs of my target audiences.These articles are resources I can refer people to through in my correspondence to customers and prospects. For instance, pick a topic for your monthly email to current customers and contacts and refer then to your article that expands on the email topic. Another opportunity is to start or engage in group discussions thereby creating opportunity to direct people to your articles because they provide helpful information without selling. You'll find more information in this article (

With Google's frequent algorithm changes, it pays to constantly fine-tune your website's SEO.

More than 300 elements determine where Google will rank your site. Some simple mistakes can cost your company hundreds of opportunities becauae your listing drops below the first two pages. Developing a first-page presence on Google for keyword search phrases used by your customers or clients will continue to be a crucial to improving web traffic both organically and in PPC campaign efforts. Slow loading images, spammy content or links to suspisious sites are potential reasons for low ranking. 

Hiring a professional firm to provide search engine optimization services can be worth its weight in sales. As with any purchase, buyer beware. You don't have to be an expert, but you need to know enough to choose wisely. Quality SEO service companies  will take their time to explain the "what and how" of the SEO services they are recommending. Be cautious of anyone claiming to get first page position in 1-3 months.

For more information download our ePaper of the 12 Mistakes That Lower Search Engine Ranking.